
Showing posts from May, 2020

New blog format for Splash

Seward Splash Goes Bloggy!  by Rob Rossi, Splash Editor  COVID-19 has forced many things to change, and has made communication even more important.  In response, the Seward Splash  newsletter is piloting a new blog format, meant to allow us to get out information in a more continuous way, rather than waiting for enough content to constitute an issue. The Splash  continues to be powered by the Seward community, and we are keen for your input.  Contact us at!

CDD passes, 6 - 3

Board Passes CDD  by Rob Rossi,   Splash   Editor  The night of May 12th, the Minneapolis School Board voted to approve the Comprehensive District Design (CDD) plan on a 6-3 vote.  (Directors Felder, Jourdain, and Walser voted against, the others in favor.)  The approved plan includes the conversion of Seward Montessori from a K-8 to a K-5 Montessori magnet. However, the outpouring of support for Seward remaining a K-8 was amazing.  The entire Seward community spoke out, including past Seward parents and residents of the Seward neighborhood without any kids.  If there is any chance the Board or district is listening, they got the message.  Thank you to all of you who spent the time and energy needed to share your thoughts with the Board. Nothing will change at Seward for the upcoming 2020-2021 school year.  But if the CDD is implemented on schedule, and without change, student...

Honor Your Grad

Longfellow Nokomis Messenger  Offers Free Graduate Recognition  by  Tesha M. Christensen, owner and editor of  TMC Publications  Hello, folks! The class of 2020 has it tough, and the Longfellow Nokomis Messenger wants to help you do something special for them. We have launched an online feature to help parents tell the world how proud they are of their grad - from kindergarten, grade 5, grade 8, high school, and college. We are offering a free photo and listing of a graduate’s sports, honors, and activities. Parents who want to really make a splash can, with an expanded page.  Thanks for partnering with us to honor this year’s graduates!

Seward Parade, May 11th

Parade Gives Families and Staff a Chance to See One Another  by Rob Rossi,   Splash   Editor  Distance learning has a lot of families missing "normal school," and the people they have been unable to see!  While we wish everyone could be safely reunited, that's just not possible right now; so the school staff and the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) decided to organize a socially distant parade around the school to give staff and families a chance to see one another.  Staff were spaced six feet apart around the sidewalks surrounding the school, while families circled the school in the road.