Read Around 2021 starts Monday, March 1st!

Seward Read Around 2021, Books Bring Us Together, starts Monday, March 1st! The Read Around Packet is available for download or new for 2021 is an online reading tracking and fundraising tool called Read for My School: If you and your child/ren are new to Seward Montessori, the Read Around is a fun event for students and is our largest PTA fundraiser, done in close partnership with Seward faculty and staff. The Read Around is an excellent time to encourage your child/ren to curl up on a couch with a cup of hot chocolate and read some good books. Reading aloud to your child/ren counts too!

New for 2021 is an online reading tracking and fundraising tool called Read for My School: You can also download an RFMS app on your phone and sign up using the code 99069. In both cases, you will want to use your child/ren’s Seward email address for registration and pick the appropriate grade. Families can use the online platform or the paper log to track their reading minutes and donations.

Also new for 2021, join us each Thursday in March at 6:30 PM for story time on zoom Meeting ID: 935 2300 0098

For the Read Around, we encourage students to read at home every day and to record this time in their reading record of choice. Our suggested minimum reading amounts per day vary by grade level and are:
  • 10 minutes for kindergarten
  • 15 minutes for E1 (1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade)
  • 20 minutes for E2 (4th and5th grade)
These reading amounts include both reading alone and being read to aloud. Middle school students are also encouraged to participate! Because this is our largest fundraiser, please encourage your child/ren to ask family and friends for donations to sponsor their reading time. Students receive prizes based on the amount of money they raise, as outlined in the Read Around packet.

Unless you are using the Read for My School website or app, all reading logs are due Thursday, April 1, and pledge forms and donations are due Monday, April 12th. Contact Jason Miller, Read Around coordinator, at if you have any questions about the forms or due dates.

Special thanks to our wonderful Seward community for supporting this reading-focused initiative for more than 10 years running! Many Seward faculty and staff make this program successful. We are also grateful for the many parent volunteers who support our community. More parent volunteers are always appreciated for this event, so if you wish to be more involved with the Read Around in general, please contact Jason Miller at We would love to have you join us!


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