Seward Montessori's Parent Book Club: Thursday, April 1st, 6:30-8:00 p.m. on Zoom


Seward Parent Book Club has been meeting since the 2018 school year. The purpose of the group is to build community and to reflect on race, racism, and identity within Seward Montessori and in our lives. If you have been thinking of joining, this is a perfect time to join the book club, since we are beginning a new book! Information for the next meeting is below. The dates/times are determined based on current members' needs, so please know there will be opportunities to shift the times earlier/later month to month. 

When: Thursday, April 1st, 6:30-8 PM
Where: Zoom 

Discussing Part 2: Caste: The Origins of our Discontents, by Isabel Wilkerson

Contact: Katie Nissly, 

*Note: If you would like to try to borrow this book, please contact Seward parent, Katie Nissly. 


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