April's PTA meeting will focusing on welcoming new families in the fall - please consider joining us - Tuesday, April 13th @ 8:00 a.m. on Zoom

Join the PTA: April's meeting will focus on welcoming new families to Seward this Fall.

Tuesday, April 13th from 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m on Zoom 


Passcode: roundtable

More about the PTA & Open Positions:

The Seward Montessori Parent Teacher Association is run by volunteer parents, parents that want to be more involved and engaged in their children’s education. The PTA raises funds for programming, curriculum, and community building at Seward Montessori.

We are in need of volunteers and are looking for parents that have a variety of skills including financial, communications, design, and fundraising. Our current openings are:

Treasurer: We are looking for someone who has a background with finances and budgets and wants to do more for their children as well as all students at Seward Montessori. We are in search of a treasurer to start in the 2021/2022 school year. 

Room Parent Chair: This position helps the room parents that work with their child’s classroom teacher to facilitate parent involvement. Responsibilities may include: Developing class lists, forwarding emails from PTA/teacher etc, forming a relationship with a teacher to help with needs they may have, welcoming new families in the class, assisting with parties and gatherings both inside and outside of the classroom. 

Communications Committee: Members of the committee help communicate among Seward families regarding school events, activities, meetings, policies, news, student recognition, volunteer recognition, etc. Communication channels include the Splash newsletter, online Seward Updates, Room Parents, the school and PTA’s websites, and social media like Facebook and Twitter.

Co-Chair: Works alongside the Chair and Treasurer to provide strategic support with financials, events, volunteers, etc. In past years, Chair responsibilities have been delegated between the Chair and Co-Chair.

Technology: The person in charge of our technology back end, mostly Google Workspace and our domain presence (sewardmontessori.org), is leaving Seward as part of the CDD realignment.  We are looking for someone familiar with such things to step into their role.


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