Seward Montessori Bike Sharks

Need a bike for spring?  Sign up at
Have an extra bike you want to donate to the school?  Email or drop them off in front of the Bike Shop doors in the multi-purpose room.

Seward will be having their 2nd Annual Super Spring Cycle Sale and Swap on May 15.  We will be selling over 100 bikes and we'll have about 25 bikes that students can exchange for bigger bikes if they've out-grown their old ones.  All proceeds will go to support the Seward Bike Program and FullCycle (a non-profit bicycle skills training shop).  

Super Seward Spring Cycle Sale & Swap
Date:  Saturday May 15
Time: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Where:  Area by the bike racks next to the main entrance of the school



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