Seward Montessori Site Council is looking for your input on the Selection of a New Principal


Good Morning Seward Community Faculty, Staff and Families,

The Seward Montessori Site Council is looking for your essential input on the selection of a new Principal. There are two ways you could share your voice:

  1. Provide the qualities and experience you desire in a new Principal here on this Google Form.  The selection committee will incorporate this feedback in developing their interview questions.
  2. Join the Selection Committee. A description of this committee and their responsibilities and commitments follows below.


The Site Council is excited to announce the formation of a Selection Committee that will be instrumental in determining our new school principal. This committee will be responsible for representing the full diversity of our school community in communicating our community’s values and priorities as part of the Minneapolis Public School District’s interview process. We strongly encourage all interested in being part of this dialogue to apply for this Committee. The Site Council and PTA are working on language translation other support to maximize the diversity, equity and inclusion of our committee applicants. See below for details and criteria for application.


Many thanks,


Jim Moore

Seward Parent / Seward Montessori Site Council Co-Chair
M 612.876.1497

Principal Selection Process

  1. April 12 -April 22:                                              Selection Committee Solicitations and Selection
  2. April 22-April 29:                                              Principal Selection Criteria Development (2) 1-hr Zoom meetings
  3. TBD, week of April 29-May 7:                       Principal Interviews

Time Commitment:

  • Criteria Development:  (2) 1-hr Zoom meetings to review community feedback and determine interview questions*
  • Interviews:  (2) 4-5 hr. days of interviews*
  • *translation and other support provided by PTA

Selection Committee Profile

  • 8-10 members total (4-5 school faculty/staff, 4-5 student families)

Selection Committee Preferred Representation

  • Family member of current student
  • Family member of incoming student (inclusive of new to community and rising kindergartener)
  • Current faculty member across grade levels
  • Current staff member
  • Current non-teaching staff member
  • Current specialists across grade levels
  • Individual able to navigate and translate both the professional and parental perspectives of the principal position
  • Site Council member (1 required by MPS District)
  • Current school instructional leadership team (1 required by MPS District)
  • Assistant Principal (could replace the above)

Selection Committee Representation Goals

  • Committee members that represent the diversity of our community
  • Equitable representation by age of student
  • Committee members that represent multiple roles preferred

If interested in joining the Committee or providing feedback on other criteria for the selection, please reply by email or telephone to either of the following Site Council Representatives:

Jim Moore (Site Council Co-Chair), 612.876.1497

Christian Novak (PTA Chair)


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