Sat. May 15th: 2nd Annual Seward Super Spring Cycle Sale!


Saturday, May 15 from 10 am - 4 pm outside the Seward Bike Shed
Seward Bike Sharks will be selling used bikes donated by property managers and fixed up by parent and student
volunteers.  Arrive early for the best selection.  
Full Cycle will also be on-site selling bikes.  More on Full Cycle here:
Come find your next great bike, and support these amazing programs!  
Help paint our new bike shed!    
Saturday, May 22 from 9am-1pm.
Have you noticed the big grey shipping container next to Seward’s parking lot?  That’s our new bike shed, a 
space for the new bike fleet that our Health, PE, and E2 classes will be using.  We are seeking volunteers to help 
paint the shed with a mural.  The design (shown below) was created by artist Chris Harrison.  No special skills 
necessary, just show up ready to help out. 
We are looking for volunteers for Saturday, May 22, from 9am – 1pm.  If you’re interested, contact Matthew 


Final bike Friday of the school year!  Are you missing coffee and hot 

chocolate with other parents & students who bike to school?  We’ve missed you too!  Watch for an 

announcement for a year-end bike Friday (tentatively May 21, but subject to change).  

Help with Seward Class Rides!  Three teachers at Seward have class rides 

coming up.  Contact them if you’re interested in riding along with classes, which is always a big help!  Even if 

you can’t ride along, there are volunteer tasks getting bikes out and ready for students.  All helpers welcome! 


Lisa Herr (E2)  - 

Jenn Engelken (PE)  - 

Jody Volk (Health)  -   


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