Seward PTA: Parent Volunteers Needed


A strong community is ESSENTIAL to Seward Montessori. We need your help. Right now. In the upcoming months we’ll be hosting a welcome gathering for new families and celebrations for outgoing students. We are also looking for your volunteer support on the Site Council and PTA. Being involved now will help us make a smooth transition for our outgoing students & families and continue the foundations of support we’ve built in our community. 


To volunteer with welcoming new families to Seward events and/or celebrations for outgoing student, please email


The Seward Montessori Parent Teacher Association is run by volunteer parents, parents that want to be more involved and engaged in their children's education. The PTA raises funds for programming, curriculum and community building at Seward. Potential volunteer opportunities include: room parent (organizing parent/student gatherings and communication to parents), after school bike club (Mon. and Wed.), green team, morning Walking Wednesdays fall 2021/spring 2022, plant sale (spring 2022), picture day, gardening on Saturdays, Read Around book sale in January. If you are interested in volunteering for a PTA activity, please email Christian Novak at


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