Thurs. Seward Insider: School Messenger

Our school district uses a system called School Messenger to reach us with automated messages. Through the system you can control how the district’s automated system informs you of robo-calls, bus delays, school closures and emails from the school office/principal. Complete instructions are at, but in a nutshell you will go to and either log in or sign up. 

You can link to your student(s) after registering with one of the email addresses that you have put down on my child’s emergency contact card at the start of the school year. The new system does not allow you to add or update contact email addresses or phone numbers; if you need to do that, please contact the Seward office (in person or at 612.668.4950) with the updated information.


Do you have something to contribute to the Thursday Seward Insider, a question you would like answered, or a correction or addition to offer? Send it to!  


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