Transportation News from Christine Brand: Here Comes the Bus, Temporary Transportation Changes Before 12noon Daily, Parent Drop Off and Pick Up



The Here Comes the Bus App is available for tracking your student’s bus:

If you need to make permanent transportation changes, please contact Christine Brand in the Seward office (612.668.4950) or fill out Seward’s online transportation request form:

All temporary requests for transportation changes need to be made BEFORE 12:00 P.M. For the safety of nearly 900 students, NO CHANGES will be made after that time.

We are not able to write bus passes at this time. Students may only ride a bus if they are on the bus roster.

Please, DO NOT PARK BETWEEN OUR DRIVEWAY EXIT AND THE LOADING DOCK at ANY time. This is a bus drop off and pick up spot. If you park here, our students cannot get off or on the bus safely. The city has also marked this spot as NO PARKING ANYTIME and you could be ticketed. Yikes!

Parent Drop Off: Please be respectful and use the circle drive on 28th Ave to drop off your child. Students should not arrive before 9:15 a.m. (school starts at 9:30 a.m.). Please do not park in bus zones. Students should not be dropped off on 29th Ave. This space is reserved for buses only, to keep all children safe.

Parent Pick up (this was updated on 9/10):

BEGINNING TODAY, Friday, September 10, we are implementing a new parent pick-up procedure at dismissal.  Our goal is to increase the safety and efficiency of our dismissal procedures by alleviating congestion in the parking circle and at the main entrance.  Please carefully review the new procedure below.

Pick-Up Procedures - If you are picking up your child, we strongly encourage you to park on the neighborhood streets.  When you arrive, walk to the path that runs between 28th Ave. and 29th Ave, south of the playgrounds and directly north of the fields.  Wait on the path for your child’s teacher to bring them to you.  

The parking lot pick up will be prioritized for parents with physical limitations.  These families should continue to use the number system by putting your number on your dashboard. Families who are using this option, please STAY IN YOUR VEHICLE.  Getting out of your car is unsafe and slows the process.

  • Children’s House and High 5 will be dismissed at 3:40 p.m.

  • E1 will be dismissed at 3:45 p.m.

  • E2 will be dismissed at 3:50 p.m.

  • Each teacher will walk their students to buses and then to the parents waiting on the path.  When the teacher sees you and makes eye contact they will release your child to you. 

  • Teachers will then escort students being picked up by car to the cafeteria where we will begin the number calling process.

  • Rec Plus students will be escorted to the Rec Plus meeting place in the cafeteria and will be met by a Rec Plus staff member. 

  • Students who are bikers will be released by their teacher near the bike racks

  • Students who are walkers will be released by their teacher

Again, we strongly encourage families who are able to park and meet their children on the path to do so. Thank you for working with us to ensure a safe and efficient dismissal for all of our students!


A PARTIR DE HOY, viernes 10 de septiembre, estamos implementando un nuevo procedimiento de salida para recoger a los estudiantes. Nuestro objetivo es aumentar la seguridad y la eficiencia de nuestros procedimientos de salida aliviando la congestión en el círculo de estacionamiento y en la entrada principal. Revise detenidamente el nuevo procedimiento a continuación.

Recogida por los padres: Si va a recoger a su hijo, le recomendamos encarecidamente que se estacione en las calles del vecindario. Cuando llegue, camine hasta el sendero que corre entre la avenida 28 y la avenida 29, al sur de los patios de recreo y directamente al norte de los campos. Espere en el camino a que el maestro de su hijo se los traiga.

Daremos prioridad a la recogida por automóvil para aquellas familias con limitaciones físicas y continuaremos usando el sistema numérico para esas familias. Si va a recogerlo en automóvil, MANTÉNGASE EN SU AUTO. Salir de su automóvil no es seguro y ralentiza el proceso.

  • Children’s House y High 5 saldrán a las 3:40 p.m.

  • E1 saldrá a las 3:45 p.m.

  • E2 saldrá a las 3:50 p.m.

  • Cada maestro acompañará a sus estudiantes a los autobuses y luego a los padres que esperan en el camino. Cuando el maestro lo vea, le entregará a su hijo.

  • Luego, los maestros acompañarán a los estudiantes que son recogidos en automóvil a la cafetería donde comenzaremos el proceso de llamada de números.

  • Los estudiantes de Rec Plus serán acompañados al lugar de reunión de Rec Plus en la cafetería y serán recibidos por un miembro del personal de Rec Plus.

  • Los estudiantes que son ciclistas serán liberados por su maestro cerca de los portabicicletas.

  • Los estudiantes que son caminantes serán liberados por su maestro.

Una vez más, recomendamos encarecidamente a las familias que puedan estacionarse y encontrarse con sus hijos en el camino a que lo hagan. ¡Gracias por trabajar con nosotros para garantizar una salida segura y eficiente para todos nuestros estudiantes! 


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