Children House: Cheers & Tears at drop off 9:30 AM or zoom at noon on Friday


Welcome to Seward Montessori School.  We are excited to have your child join us this Friday.  We would like to invite all parents to a get to know you gathering either in person directly after drop-off at 9:30 AM or on a zoom call at noon on Friday, September 10.

This is a chance to share this big day with other families experiencing similar feelings, whether you are happy, sad, nervous or excited. We want you to have the opportunity to meet other families in your Seward Community.

If you are dropping your child off in person and have a few minutes join us in the Seward Garden--just head south of the main entrance on 28th Ave. and the Garden is between the parking lot and Matthews Park.  We will have coffee and donuts from 9:30 - 10AM

If your child rides the bus or you don’t have time in the morning please join us online for zoom call with other Children’s House parents.  Our zoom call will start at noon on Friday, September 10th and can be access through this link.  

Meeting ID: 457 800 6016

Passcode: roundtable

We look forward to seeing you at one of these events or at another upcoming community event.


Kerry Cashman

Seward Family Liason


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