Sept: Seward Specialists Update

Welcome to the 2021-2022 school year! My name is Jody Volk and I am the High5-5th grade Seward Health Teacher. Below is an outline of the High 5 and Kindergarten Health Curriculum.

A large focus is on social emotional learning and learning ways to be a “Healthy Me.” We will also spend a lot of class time doing movement activities. Some overall topics that will be learned about are:

  1. Personal Health and Safety

  2. Medicines and Staying Well

  3. Mental, Emotional, Family and Social Health

  4. Growth and Nutrition

E1 (Grades 1-3) and E2 (Grades 4-5): Each quarter we tend to go over one classroom based unit and one movement unit.

Movement based units done in the past (this year will depend on COVID-19 protocols): 

Quarter 1

Quarter 2

Quarter 3

Quarter 4


Tagging games 

Step Aerobics 

Yoga Calm

Team building


Bike Riding

Step Aerobics

Yoga Calm

Roller skating 

Classroom based units will consist of the following:

Quarter 1

Quarter 2

Quarter 3

Quarter 4

Personal Health, Safety and Community

Drug and Disease Prevention

Mental, Emotional, Family and Social Health

Growth and Nutrition

All lessons will be taught based on one or more of the National Health Standards and Physical Education Standards



Hello and welcome to all Seward families! 

My name is Karen Utter. I’ve been teaching at Seward since 1995! I started as an E2 teacher and have morphed into the 1-5th grade science specialist in addition to teaching a 5th grade math class.  I’m married and have a daughter who went through Seward from kindergarten to 8th grade. She then graduated from South and is at Loyola University in Chicago. 


All the kids started the year with an “engineering” project by creating an obstacle course with a small robotic bug called a Hexbug. 

E1 is now out in the garden whenever weather permits. 

E2 has started learning about the brain. 


The pictures are of the brains they made.  



Donna Schloer

Pre-k- 5 Visual Arts Specialist

Hello Seward Families,

My name is Donna Schloer and I have been teaching Art at Seward for 10 years. Seward is my happy place and I feel lucky to be a part of this vibrant community. I attended the Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design, and Augsburg University. This year I am excited to get to know new to Seward students and families, and I am excited to continue learning and creating in the Art Room with all of my students.  

We start every year in the Art Room learning about different types of lines. I tell my students we start with line because every time we draw, we use lines, and the better we understand lines, the better we will be able to draw. Next, we will learn about different types of shapes. 

Please reach out with any questions. I am looking forward to an excellent school year.


Welcome back Seward Sharks!

I'm "Ms. Huff" and this is my third year at Seward and 12th teaching Physical Education. As students have been learning my life is about to change drastically. In November I'm expecting twins that will join our two year old son, Wyatt. So It's a pretty crazy time in my life getting ready for this big change. But I'm excited to be back in person seeing all the familiar faces in the halls and meeting all our new students.  

PE Update:
It's been a bit of a bumpy start in Physical Education classes with helping to enforce correct mask wearing while students are running around and playing in the gym. If parents could help reinforce mask wearing at home and send extra masks that would be greatly appreciated. Also if you haven't heard we are on a 6 day rotation for specialists this year, so PE isn't the same day every week. If students could leave a pair of tennis shoes in their cubby/locker for PE and recess that would help make sure they are prepared for PE class.  
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