Site Council Meeting: Friday, October 8th from 8:00 - 9:00 AM on Zoom

Seward Montessori’s Site Council meeting will be held Friday, October 8th from 8:00-9:00 AM on zoom. Site Council meetings are open sessions. It is our goal to build a Site Council that reflects the make-up of Seward. As such, we are especially eager to welcome the participation of parents who identify as BIPOC, queer, neurodiverse, living with disability, ELL, and more. Please note that Site Council meetings are open session, and d
iscussion and voting will be done by Site Council members.


All Minneapolis Public Schools have Site Council to support site based decision making to increase academic outcomes for our students. Site Councils are a way that parents and community members can learn what is happening in their school and influence decisions. It is important that Site Councils reflect the student population of the school to ensure a diversity of ideas and input. Some common activities that Site Councils do to increase student achievement include: advise the school principal on school based decisions, review and advise the school staff on the School Improvement Plans, review and help develop the Family Involvement Plan, review and provide guidance on the use of Title 1 funds and Compensatory Revenue, and co-hosting the schools Roundtable meeting with Principal and PTA to engage the whole community.


Proposed Agenda for Oct 8. We can add your agenda items too!


1. COVID - communicating with caregivers about how important it is to screen for health symptoms each day.


2. Opportunity Gap -- how can parents and community members support Seward students as we continue to recover from COVID-19 and the educational consequences?


3. Pick up/drop off process -- how are we doing? What is the long-term plan as we anticipate inclimate weather?


4. Roundtable agenda for the year -- what is our vision?

In collaboration,
Katie Nissly & Nebiha Mohammed  


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