Parent Book Club: 3/3 at 7:30 PM via Zoom / Club de lectura para padres: 3 de marzo a las 7:30 p.m. a través de Zoom

Next Parent Book Club will be Thursday, March 3rd, 7:30-9:00 PM on Zoom (Link on Seward Calendar or PTA Website). 

We plan to read the book Angry Queer Somali Boy: A Complicated Memoir.  The goal is to obtain the book and read about the first half by the March meeting.

Here's a description I found online:

Kidnapped by his father on the eve of Somalia's societal implosion, Mohamed Ali was taken first to the Netherlands by his stepmother, and then later on to Canada. Unmoored from his birth family and caught between twin alienating forces of Somali tradition and Western culture, Mohamed must forge his own queer coming of age. What follows in this fierce and unrelenting account is a story of one young man's nascent sexuality fused with the violence wrought by displacement.

Seward Montessori tiene un club de lectura para padres. Acabamos de empezar un nuevo libro.
Libro: Angry Queer Somali Boy: A Complicated Memoir
Próxima reunión: jueves 3 de marzo, 7:30-9:00 P.M.



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