Seward Montessori Family Budget Survey/Sahanka Qoysaska Dugsiga Seward Montessori by Feb. 23

Seward Montessori Family Budget Survey
We will be in the decision-making process regarding the 2022-2023 school budget soon. We need input from our families as education is a partnership between the school and the families. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey by Wednesday, February 23, 2022. Thank you so much!
English Survey
Sahanka Qoysaska Dugsiga Seward Montessori
Waxaan qiimeynaynaa talooyinka qoysaskeena marka aan go'aan ka gaareyno barnaamijyada dugsiga Seward. Fadlan qaado dhowr daqiiqo si aad u dhamaystirto sahankan ugu dambayn Arbacada, bisha Feebarwari 23- 2022. Aad baad u mahadsantahay!
Somali Survey
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