Seward Strike Fund for ESPs

Our Seward community is truly amazing. Many of you have asked how you can support us, and especially our ESPs (educational support professionals, aka the backbone of our school, aka the people whose salaries are below the poverty line).  
Please donate gift cards (grocery stores, gas stations, Visa cards) or cash in $10s. 
(If someone wanted to donate $50, please donate 5 $10s instead of $50). This will make it easier for the funds to be distributed without the organizer having to go to the bank. Thank you.
Preferred donation is gift cards. If you used Venmo, you need to enter to confirm: 8477.


May be an image of 2 people, people standing, outdoors and text that says 'SOLIDARIT PTI ×”×T Hah SEWARD MONTESSORI PUBLICSCHO PUBLIC SCHOOLS NITY THE HEART THE OMM EDUCATORS SEWARD STRIKE FUND Donations will go to our dedicated Education Support Professionals supplement lost wages during the strike. ਆाफि esp HOW TO DONATE: Venmo @kevinckane All donations will be split among our ESPs THANK YOU! We 're so grateful for the support received from Seward families and community members. Thank you so much for your help. For more information visit'


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