Register Now for MPS Summer Scholars: Running July 5 - July 28 (Mondays - Thursdays) / Barnaamijyada Kulanka Waxbarashada Xaggaaga 2022/Programas de la Sesión de Verano 2022

 Somali and Spanish Translation below.

Due to the extension of the regular school year, Minneapolis Public Schools' Summer Scholars will run July 5th through July 28th, Monday through Thursday.

Registration is now open for MPS’ summer program: Summer Scholars! Enroll your student in Summer Scholars to experience more this summer through innovative, immersive experiences that challenge your child to explore a world of possibilities both in and out of the classroom. They’ll learn as they forge their own path, dream up new ideas, and find meaning in everything they create. All this as they discover endless ways to connect with one another and their interests. Many courses are available for students in PreK-12th grade:

Register by May 5 for transportation beginning the first day, if eligible.


Barnaamijyada Kulanka Waxbarashada Xaggaaga 2022

Ku soo dhowow websaydhka Waxbarashada Xagaaga! Waxaan ku faraxsanahay inaan u fidino waxbarasho ardayda MPS barnaamijyo balaaran oo noocyo waxbarasho xagaaga ah oo ku habboon baahida arday walba.

Khadadka "LINKS" iskuxiran ee soo socdaa waxay muujinayaan deeqda waxbarashada xagaaga ee kooxaha ardayda kaladuwan. Fadlan la soco xiriiriyeyaasha barnaamijyada iyo macluumaadka diiwaangelinta:

Programas de la Sesión de Verano 2022

¡Bienvenidos a la página web de la Sesión de Verano! Estamos emocionados de ofrecer a los estudiantes de MPS una increíble gama de programas de verano que se adaptan a las necesidades de cada uno.

Los siguientes enlaces o links destacan las ofertas de verano para diferentes grupos de estudiantes. Por favor sigan los enlaces para obtener más información sobre el programa y la inscripción:
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