Seward Parent Book Club / Naadiga Buugaagta ee Seward Parent /El club de lectura de padres de Seward: Thurs., 4/21 at 7:30 PM on Zoom

Somali and Spanish Translation Below

 Seward Parent Book Club will meet on Thursday April 21, 7:30-9 PM on the PTA zoom ( We recently finished reading the memoir, 'Angry Queer Somali Boy' by Mohamed Abdulkarim Ali and 'How to Make White People Laugh' by Negin Farsad. Next, we are taking a break from books, and instead listening to a podcast. All are invited to listen to 'The Trojan Horse Affair,' from Serial Productions. We will discuss episodes 1-4 at our next meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 457 800 6016
Passcode: roundtable
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Meeting ID: 457 800 6016
Passcode: 7068143661


Naadiga Buugaagta ee Seward Parent waxay ku kulmi doonaan Khamiista Abriil 21, 7:30-9 PM zoom-ka PTA .  Waxaan dhawaan dhamaynay akhrinta xusuus qorka, 'Angry Queer Somali Boy' ee uu qoray Mohamed Abdulkarim Ali iyo 'How to Make White People Laugh' ee ay qortay Negin Farsad. Marka xigta, waxaan ka nasaneynaa buugaagta, oo taa beddelkeeda waxaan dhageysaneynaa cod dhegaysi ah (podcast). Dhammaan dadka waa lagu martiqaaday inay dhagaystaan 'The Trojan Horse Affair,' ee ay soo saareen Serial Productions. Waxaan ka wada hadli doonaa qaybaha 1-4 kulankeena xiga.


El club de lectura de padres de Seward se reunirá el jueves 21 de abril, de 7:30 a 9 pm en el Zoom de la PTA Asociación de padres y maestros. Recientemente terminamos de leer las memorias, 'Angry Queer Somali Boy' de Mohamed Abdulkarim Ali y 'How to Make White People Laugh' de Negin Farsad. A continuación, nos tomaremos un descanso de los libros y en su lugar escucharemos un podcast. Todos están invitados a escuchar 'The Trojan Horse Affair', de Serial Productions. Discutiremos los episodios 1-4 en nuestra próxima reunión.


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