Minneapolis School Budget Talk Led by Educators: Wed. May 4th at 6:30 PM via Zoom


Discussion: Minneapolis School Budget Led by Seward Educators

Wednesday, May 4th at 6:30 PM

Join using Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81279851761

Meeting ID: 812 7985 1761

Or call:+16465588656 and use meeting id: 81279851761# 

Or call:+13017158592, and use meeting id: 81279851761#

What these meetings are:
  • Led by educators
  • A safe space for educators to be vulnerable with their students’ families
  • An opportunity for educators to tell their personal stories about how the budget cuts will impact them, their students and their schools
What these meetings are not:
  • Budget Cuts Q&A- we do not expect members to field specific questions about budget cuts
  • An opportunity for outside organizations to enter the space and question members
  • An opportunity for MFT leadership to speak directly to families unless members need support


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