PTA Roles to Fill for Next Year


Hello all,
The Seward Montessori PTA is looking to fill a handful of roles for next school year. Descriptions are below, in rough order of priority. For these leadership positions, we ask that the person has been at school for at least one year before stepping into them.

If you are interested in one (or more!), please let Jess, Annie, and/or Christian know by end of day Wed. 5/25. We are also happy to chat about any questions! Thanks for considering.

- Jess, Annie, and Christian (,,

P.S. And what a fun family picnic on Friday! Thanks to everyone for helping make it happen!

1. PTA Co-Chair
Role: The co-chair works alongside the Chair and Treasurer to provide strategic support with PTA events, volunteers, budgeting decisions, etc. In past years, Chair responsibilities have been delegated between the Chair and Co-Chair and have included communications updates, PTA meeting management, teacher grant management, and volunteer support for the school.
Time commitment: Variable, but in the range of 5 hrs/week

2. Fundraising Committee Chair
Role: Develop and manage a plan for PTA fundraising throughout the year, work with committee members and leads from other areas to implement.
Time commitment: ~2 hrs/week, sometimes more

3. Teacher/Staff Grants Coordinator
Role: Coordinate the all-important process by which PTA gives grants to teachers and staff - update the google form for submissions, communicate about grants and deadlines to staff, track grant requests that come in, work with Budget/Grant committee to decide on grants, facilitate communication back to teachers.
Time commitment: ~3 hrs/month, more at 2 time points when grants are due

4. Learn to Bike Coordinator
Role: Help us get this awesome Seward program going again! Learn to Bike works to ensure that all 3rd graders know how to bike by assessing riding and offering coaching for those who need extra help. We have a model for how this worked successfully at Seward in the past, but need someone (or more than one person) to take it on and coordinate the details and manage the many volunteers involved. It could involve writing a grant and/or working with community organizations.
Time commitment: ~2-3 hrs/week for planning, probably more if you have the time and during the biking season when riding is happening

5. PTA Secretary
Role: Attend monthly PTA meetings, take notes and share them with PTA community.
Time commitment: 3 hrs/month

6. Field Trips Coordinator
Role: Work with Kerry (Family Liaison) and Budget/Grant Committee to support teachers/staff in gathering ideas for field trips and making them happen with PTA support. Be sure all grade levels have the opportunity for field trips.
Time commitment: ~3 hrs/month, could be more at certain times


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