Three Community Action Requests from Seward Teacher and ESP Meeting to Seward Families on 5/4

Last night the Seward Teachers and ESP meeting for Seward families discussed upcoming budget cuts for our school and three community action asks. Meeting notes can be found here.

The three community action asks are:

1. Reach out to the Minneapolis School Board, there are places to budget cut that do not directly affect how many teachers/staff interact with our students. We ask that parents attend in person or live stream the next school board meeting (Tuesday, May 10th at 5:30 PM, calendar), and call and write to the board members ahead of time to reverse the current budget cuts: more information here.

2. The MPS Parent Legislative Action Committee is also asking State Senators to fully fund Special Education and English Learner programs, the MN House has passed their version of the Omnibus E-12 education bill, we are waiting on and need to push our State Senators. The legislative session ends this month. Action Alert is here.

3. Ask for a state audit of MPS finances by emailing or calling our state auditor, Julie Blaha.

Julie Blaha, State Auditor, 651.296.2551,  



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