School Staff Appreciation Breakfast: Volunteers, Donations and Thank You Notes Needed


School Staff Appreciation Breakfast

Somali and Spanish below

It’s the end of the school year and time to think of all that the staff has done to help support our students throughout the year. This year we’ve had so many ups, downs, and all arounds. 

This year the Seward Montessori School’s PTA is planning a breakfast feast for our much appreciated school staff. This will take place on Wednesday, June 22nd from 8am-9am. As part of the feast, some volunteers will be preparing baked egg dishes for the event on Tuesday, June 21st after school at 5pm. 

There are many ways in which you can help as a parent. We need volunteers, donations and Thank You notes from students and families. 


Volunteers can sign up or just come to help during the following dates and times

  • Tuesday, June 21st

    •  5pm-6:30pm preparing the egg bakes (At least 4 Volunteers)

  • Wednesday, June 22nd

    • 6:30am-8am for set up (At least 4 Volunteers)

    • 9am-9:30am for take down (At least 4 Volunteers)

    • 8am-9am to help with keeping food and coffee stocked and hand out gifts  

      • Maintaining food and coffee tables (2 Volunteers)

      • Handing out gifts (2 Volunteers)

Donations (drop off in the office for PTA):

  • Gift Baskets/Prizes for Staff 

  • Gift Cards 

  • Monetary donations 

  • Food (to office for PTA on Tuesday June 21st)

    • Ingredients for egg bakes (see sign up website for needed ingredients)

    • Pastries/Baked Goods

    • Juice

Thank you for all that you do as parents, families, and volunteers. Without you, none of this would be possible. We look forward to putting on this short event to show how much we appreciate the school staff. Please see for details.



U Mahadcelinta Macallinka iyo Shaqaalaha

Su'aal kama taagna in Seward leeyahay macalimiin iyo shaqaale wanaagsan!

Waxaan rabnaa inaan uga mahadcelino anagoo bixinayna quraac dabaaldega dhamaadka sanad wanaagsan oo la qabanayo Aebacada, Juun 22.

 Waxaa jira siyaabo badan oo aad wakhtigaaga ku tabaruci karo oo aad ku muujin karto taageeradaada:

  • Soo booqo si aad isu diiwaangeliso si aad cunto ama shay kale u keento quraac. (Haddii aadan haysan wakhti aad ku diyaariso/keento waxaad ballamin kartaa in aad cunto ka dalabto meel noo dhow.)


  • Ku deeq kaarka hadyada: Waxaan ogaanay in macalimiintu ay jecel yihiin kaararka hadyada ee loo adeegsado makhaayadaha, raashinka, kafeega, buugaagta, Amazon iyo Target. Kuwan waxa loo isticmaali doona hadiyado ahaan qadadeena mahadnaqa ah. 


  • Ilmahaagu ha qoro qoraal mahadnaq ah ama gabay ama ha u sawiro sawir miiska macalimiinta xilliga quraac.


Apreciación de Maestros y Personal

¡NO hay duda de que Seward tiene Maestros y Personal increíbles!

Nos gustaría agradecerles por este año asombroso brindando un desayuno de agradecimiento de fin de año el miércoles 22 de junio a las 8:00 a.m.

Hay muchas maneras de ser voluntario y mostrar su apoyo:

  • Visite para inscribirse y llevar comida u otro artículo al desayuno. (Si no tiene tiempo para preparar/pasar a dejar, puede programar una entrega de alimentos desde algún lugar cercano). 
  • Donar tarjetas de regalo: descubrimos que a los Maestros les encantan las tarjetas de regalo para restaurantes, supermercados, café, libros, Amazon y Target. Estos se utilizarán como obsequios en nuestro almuerzo de agradecimiento.
  • Traiga a su hijo (a) para que escriba una nota de agradecimiento o un poema o haga un dibujo para las mesas de los maestros en el desayuno.



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