
Showing posts from January, 2022

Three Volunteers Needed to help Sort Books: Thurs., 1/27 from 2-4PM @ Seward Montessori

We'd like to get the books sorted for the annual Read Around ahead of students returning to in-person classes and are looking for two or three volunteers to help sort books by age and lay them out in front of the Media Center Thursday, January 27th between 2 and 4pm.   Anyone interested in helping out, please sign up at invitation2/secure/ 206998275963734057/false#/ invitation  and don't hesitate to reach out to me with any questions at   Thank you, Michael Gross Volunteer Coordinator

January Splash (Seward Monthly Newsletter) English - Spanish - Somali

              January Splash English   enero Splash en español     Janaayo Splash Af Soomaaliga

Andersen United Middle School Open House/Curriculum Night January 20, 2022 / Evento de Puertas Abiertas/Noche de Currículo 20 de Enero, 2022/ Dugsiga Dhexe ee Andersen United Guriga Furan/Habeenka manhajka Janaayo 20, 2022

Open House / Curriculum Night for ANDERSON UNITED MIDDLE SCHOOL Join us for an evening to learn more about Andersen and meet the staff. Thursday, January 20, 2022 5:00 to 7:45 pm Current 6th, 7th, and 8th graders and prospective students coming to Andersen in 2022. This will be a virtual event.   Start here:  Join Zoom Agenda - English -- Bienvenidos! ¡Estamos muy emocionados de darles la bienvenida a todos a Andersen! ¡Esta noche, pueden elegir su propia aventura! A continuación se muestra el horario y las opciones. Las sesiones comenzarán/se repetirán cada 20 minutos. Todas las sesiones muestran el idioma disponible (ENG: inglés, SPA: interpretación en español, SOM: interpretación en somalí). Haga clic en el ENLACE de la sesión que le interesa para cada sesión de 20 minutos. ¡Que lo pasen genial y gracias por estar aquí! Gracias El equipo de la casa abierta de Andersen Agenda - Spanish -- Soo dhawoow! Aad baanu ugu faraxsanahay inaan dhammaantiin idinku soo dhawayno Anderse...

Matthews Park: Fire & Ice February 4th, 6-8pm / Parque Matthews: Feugo y Hielo 4 de febrero 6-8pm


Video: Seward's Roundtable 01.13.2022 discussing elearning


Parent Book Club: 3/3 at 7:30 PM via Zoom / Club de lectura para padres: 3 de marzo a las 7:30 p.m. a través de Zoom

Next Parent Book Club will be Thursday, March 3rd, 7:30-9:00 PM on Zoom (Link on Seward Calendar or PTA Website ).  We plan to read the book   Angry Queer Somali Boy: A Complicated Memoir .  The goal is to obtain the book and read about the first half by the March meeting. Here's a description I found online: Kidnapped by his father on the eve of Somalia's societal implosion, Mohamed Ali was taken first to the Netherlands by his stepmother, and then later on to Canada. Unmoored from his birth family and caught between twin alienating forces of Somali tradition and Western culture, Mohamed must forge his own queer coming of age. What follows in this fierce and unrelenting account is a story of one young man's nascent sexuality fused with the violence wrought by displacement.     Seward Montessori tiene un club de lectura para padres. Acabamos de empezar un nuevo libro.   Libro: Angry Queer Somali Boy: A Complicated Memoir Próxima reunión: jueves 3...

In light of school changes....Roundtable WILL be Thurs., January 13 at 6:30 PM via Zoom

    Thursday, January 13 is our monthly virtual Roundtable meeting.  We hope many will join us.  Interpretation will be available for this event. This is a wonderful opportunity to engage in conversation with the Seward community, ask questions and provide input around important school-based topics. Please join us from 6:30-7:30 pm via zoom: /j/95748830265? pwd=Y29UWGpKSGw 1T1JNMGJ6S0t5Vm 5DQT09 .   Este jueves 13 de enero es nuestra reunión mensual de Mesa Redonda virtual. Esperamos que muchos se unan a nosotros. Habrá interpretación disponible para este evento. Esta es una oportunidad maravillosa para entablar una conversación con la comunidad de Seward, hacer preguntas y brindar información sobre temas importantes relacionados con la escuela. Únase a nosotros de 6:30 a 7:30 p. m. a través de zoom: /j/95748830265? pwd=Y29UWGpKSGw 1T1JNMGJ6S0t5Vm 5DQT09 .