Seward Parent Mtg this Thurs., March 10th at 6:30 PM

Spanish Translation  & Somali Translation

Hello All Seward Parents, 

Seward parents will host a meeting this Thursday, March 10th at 6:30-7:30 PM.

Topic: Hearing From Seward Educators About their Experience at Seward
Time: Mar 10, 2022 06:30 PM Central Time

Meeting ID: 895 6010 6336
Passcode: SHARKS
This will be open only to Seward parents, not to the larger community. 
Seward union stewards Sue Backus (teachers union) and Aliina Adelman (ESP union) will be present. Bridget Moore with Education Minnesota will also be present. Seward teachers will be invited. 
What these meetings are:
  • Led by educators

  • A safe space for educators to be vulnerable with their students’ families

  • An opportunity for educators to tell their personal stories about how the bargaining priorities will impact them, their students and their school

  • A parent-hosted event (not PTA-lead)


What these meetings are not: 

  • Strike Q&A- we do not expect members to field specific questions about a potential strike

  • An opportunity for outside organizations to enter the space and question members

  • An opportunity for MFT leadership to speak directly to families unless members need support


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