
Showing posts from March, 2022

Seward Plant Sale/ Iibka dhirta ee Seward / Venta de Plantas en Seward

 Somali & Spanish Translation Below SEWARD PLANT SALE Help make the world a greener place and support the amazing Seward students and staff. Shop for organic, native & neonic-free plants! Pre orders online through April 24, 2022. Plant sale and pre-order pick up is Friday, May 6th from 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM & Saturday, May 7th from 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM at Seward Gymnasium. IIBKA DHIRTA EE SEWARD Caawi inaad aduunka ka dhigto meel cagaaran oo taageer ardayda iyo shaqaalaha Seward ee wanaagsan. Iibso dhirta organik ah, degaanka ka baxday & oo aan lahayn neonic! Horay in internetka looga sii dalbado ilaa Abriil 24, 2022. Iibka dhirta iyo horay u dalbashada waa Jimcaha, Maajo 6 laga bilaabo 9:00 pm - 6:00 pm & Sabtida, Maajo 7 laga bilaabo 9:00 pm - 4:00 pm oo lagu qabanayo Seward Gymnasium.     VENTA DE PLANTAS EN SEWARD Ayuda a hacer del mundo un lugar más verde y apoya a los inc...

Volunteers needed in classrooms / Mutadawiciin ayaa looga baahan yahay fasallada / Se necesitan voluntarios en las aulas

Somali and Spanish Translation below. Staff have shared that they could use more help in classrooms. If you have room in your schedule, please consider signing up to volunteer in school! Timing/schedule can be flexible - even if you only have 20-30 min, it can still help! It could be in your child's class, in another class, or with an individual child. Sign up using this link: You can also contact your child's teacher directly, though some teachers are not up for volunteers at this time. But other teachers/kids need you! Shaqaaluhu waxay wadaageen inay ugu baahanyihiin caawimo dheeraad ah fasallada. Haddii boos ka bannaanyahay jadwalkaaga, fadlan tixgeli inaad iska diiwaangeliso in aad u tabarucdo ah iskuulka! Wakhtiga/jadwalku wuxuu noqon karaa mid dabacsan - xitaa haddii aad haysato 20-30 daqiiqo oo keliya, way na caawin kartaa! Waxay noqon kartaa fasalka ilmahaaga, fasal kale, ama hal ilmo oo gaar ah. Isu diiwaaangeli adiga oo ist...

Acuerdo tentativo/regreso a la escuela

Buenos tardes a todos,                 ( English Translation ) Mi nombre es Hannah; soy la madre de dos estudiantes en Seward Montessori. Quiero provechar un poco de contexto a los mensajes del distrito escolar de Minneapolis sobre el regreso a la escuela el lunes. Ahora, hay un acuerdo tentativo entre las escuelas públicas de Minneapolis (MPS) y la federación de maestros Minneapolis (MFT). Sin embargo, el acuerdo no puede estar oficial antes de los maestros voten en aceptarlo. Maestros acaban de recibirlo el acuerdo a las once, para leer y discutirlo. Además, si la oferta del distrito esté aceptada por los maestros, un acuerdo de regreso al trabajo necesita a convenir entre el distrito y los maestros. Reuniones sobre el regreso a la escuela comenzaron a las diez, *despues* que el distrito contactó los padres para decir que hay escuela el lunes.     En suma, los emails y las llamadas d...

Premature return to school message from district: tenative agreement/tenative return to school

Hi Everyone,                ( Spanish Translation ) I just wanted to provide some context for the robocalls and emails that came through from the district this morning about returning to school on Monday. While there is a tentative agreement between the MPS and MFT bargaining teams, that agreement does not become final until the members of MFT vote to accept the proposal. Teachers have not even had a chance to *see* what is in the tentative agreement yet (there is an afternoon meeting from 11-1 at which they will receive the actual proposal). Additionally, a return to work agreement needs to be reached between the district and the teachers, assuming the contract proposal is ratified. Meetings about that only started half an hour ago, well after the district contacted parents. In short, the emails and calls from the district are premature. The strike is not over until teachers sign a contract. Whether or not this ...

Recording: Public Education Funding with Representatives Jim Davnie, Jamie Long and Frank Hornstein 3/24, 7:30-9:00 PM at Lake Harriet Upper Cafeteria

Public School Funding Discussion with Rep Jim Davnie, Jamie Long and Frank Hornstein. They shared their vision for public education and to engage in meaningful dialogue on solutions to the public education model on March 24th. 7:30 to 9PM @ Lake Harriet Upper Cafeteria.  Full details of the discussion can be found here. This will be helpful for those who don't want to watch the full video.

PTA: Thurs., March 24th, 8:00-9:00 P.M./Khamiis, Maarj 24, 2022 - Kulanka PTA, 8:00-9:00 PM/jueves el 24 de marzo, 2022 - Reunión lal PTA, 8:00-9:00 P.M.

  PTA Meeting: Thursday, March 24th from 8:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. We hope you can join us in these strange times! Agenda:  -Intros -Plant Sale - Helping teachers and staff - Other Updates/questions Zoom: https://us06web. zoom .us/j/ 4578006016?pwd= ZmZOazlCdHRmdHllSWQxaGY1OFBlZz 09   Khamiis, Maarj 24, 2022 - Kulanka PTA, 8:00-9:00 PM Zoom: https://us06web. zoom .us/j/ 4578006016?pwd= ZmZOazlCdHRmdHllSWQxaGY1OFBlZz 09 jueves el 24 de marzo, 2022 - Reunión lal PTA, 8:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. Zoom: https://us06web. zoom .us/j/ 4578006016?pwd= ZmZOazlCdHRmdHllSWQxaGY1OFBlZz 09   -------------------------------------------------------------------------    Subscribe to the Seward Splash Blog:    

Seward Strike Fund for ESPs

Our Seward community is truly amazing. Many of you have asked how you can support us, and especially our ESPs (educational support professionals, aka the backbone of our school, aka the people whose salaries are below the poverty line).     Please donate gift cards (grocery stores, gas stations, Visa cards) or cash in $10s.  (If someone wanted to donate $50, please donate 5 $10s instead of $50). This will make it easier for the funds to be distributed without the organizer having to go to the bank. Thank you.   Preferred donation is gift cards. If you used Venmo, you need to enter to confirm: 8477.  

Pop Up Food Shelf at Folwell School & Breakfast and Lunch Pick Up at Seward Montessori

Student Breakfast and lunches are available for families to pick up at Seward Montessori. Pick up time: 9am - 1pm; Monday-Friday ring office door.   Folwell and Good-Hood will have a Pop-up Food Shelf Free Food Tuesday March 15th from 3:00 - 5:30 PM Folwell School: 3611 20th Ave S, Minneapolis Door 1 Third Tuesday of Every Month March 15 - April 19 - May 17              

$100,000 Minnesota College Scholarship Drawings/Sorteos de Becas Universitarias de Minnesota de $100,000/Deeqada Waxbarashada Kuleejka Minnesota oo dhan $100,000

 Spanish & Somali translation below. $100,000 Minnesota College Scholarship Drawings All Minnesotans 5-11 who have completed their two-dose COVID-19 vaccine series by April 11, 2022 are eligible for the drawings. Vaccine Eligibility Window First and second dose received by April 11, 2022 All Minnesotans 5-11 years old who have completed their COVID-19 vaccine series can enter to win a $100,000 Minnesota College Scholarship! The State of Minnesota will hold one drawing of $100,000 for five students to attend any public or private non-profit educational institution in the state of Minnesota. Parents or guardians must enter their 5-11 year old by the entry deadline to be eligible for the following drawing(s). Drawing Entry Deadline Drawing Date 1 April 11 April 15 Register here . Sorteos de Becas Universitarias de Minnesota de $100,000 Todos los residentes de Minnesota entre 5 y 11 años de edad que hayan completado su serie de vacunas de dos dos...

Waalidiin ayaa isxilqaamay waxayna ku casumayaan waalidiinta deggan Seward iyo ururka macalimiinta kulan dhacayo maalinta Khamiista, 10 maarso, 2022, waqtiguna waa 6:30 p.m. zoom

English Translation   & Spanish Translation Waalidiinta Seward, Sidaad la socotaan, Maalinta Talaada, 8 Maarso, 2022 waxaa ururada Macalimiinta iyo xirfidlayaasha ka shaqeeya iskuulada dawladda magaalada Minneapolis  ku gudo jiraan mudaharaad ay shaqo joojin ku sameeyeen. Waxaan ognahay muhiimada ay leedahay in la wargeliyo waalidiinta waxa ka socdo iskuulada ay caruurtooda wax ku bartaan, ayna xog ay ka qaataan macilimiin ay is yaqaanaan. Sidaa darteed, Waalidiin ayaa isxilqaamay waxayna ku casumayaan  waalidiinta deggan Seward iyo ururka macalimiinta kulan dhacayo maalinta Khamiista, 10 maarso, 2022, waqtiguna waa 6:30 p.m. Ajendaha kulaankaan waxaa looga hadli doona ‘Badbaadinta iyo Xasilinta Iskuulada’. Kulaankaan uma furna dadweynaha, waxa uu fursad u yahay waalidiinta iyo macalimiinta inay si hoose u naaqashoodaan, ka wada hadlaan halka uu marayo gorgortanka ururka macalimiinta ay kula jiraan Hogaamiyaasha Iskuulada Dawlaada Magaalada Minneapolis. Waxaa jiri doo...

Los padres organizarán una reunión este jueves 10 de marzo de 6:30 p.m. a las 19:30 para escuchar a los educadores de Seward sobre su experiencia en Seward

English Translation & Somali Translation Hola a todos los padres de Seward, Los padres organizarán una reunión este jueves 10 de marzo de 6:30 p.m. a 7:30 p.m. Tema: Escuchar a los educadores de Seward sobre su experiencia en Seward Hora: 10 de marzo de 2022 06:30 p. m., hora central Únase a la reunión de Zoom Identificación de la reunión: 895 6010 6336 Código de acceso: SHARKS   Esto estará abierto solo para los padres de Seward, no para la comunidad en general.   Los delegados del sindicato de Seward Sue Backus (sindicato de maestros) y Aliina Adelman (sindicato de ESP) estarán presentes. Bridget Moore de Education Minnesota también estará presente. Se invitará a los maestros de Seward.   Qué es esta reunión: -Dirigida por educadores -Un espacio seguro para que los educadores sean vulnerables con las familias de sus estudiantes -Una oportunidad para que los educadores cuenten sus historias personales sobre cómo las prioridades de negociación los afectarán a e...

Seward Parent Mtg this Thurs., March 10th at 6:30 PM

Spanish Translation   & Somali Translation Hello All Seward Parents,   Seward parents will host a meeting this Thursday, March 10th at 6:30-7:30 PM. Topic: Hearing From Seward Educators About their Experience at Seward Time: Mar 10, 2022 06:30 PM Central Time Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 895 6010 6336 Passcode: SHARKS   This will be open only to Seward parents, not to the larger community.    Seward union stewards Sue Backus (teachers union) and Aliina Adelman (ESP union) will be present. Bridget Moore with Education Minnesota will also be present. Seward teachers will be invited.    What these meetings are: Led by educators A safe space for educators to be vulnerable with their students’ families An opportunity for educators to tell their personal stories about how the bargaining priorities will impact them, their students and their school A parent-hosted event (not PTA-lead)   What these meetings are not:  Strike Q&A- we do not ...

Minneapolis Park & Rec will offer youth activities for free, if a strike happens

  Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board prepares to provide extended hours and recreation activities for youth in response to potential Minneapolis Teachers Strike Posted on 4 March, 2022 The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) is prepared to provide extended hours and activities for elementary school-age youth at 10 recreation centers if Minneapolis Public Schools teachers strike. The 10 “hub site” recreation centers will be open Monday-Friday, 12-9 pm. 12-3 pm:   Each hub site will offer free , fun, engaging and structured activities for up to 45 youth in grades K-8. Registration is required, with in-person registration available, and online registration found   here . 3-9 pm:   Youth not registered for the 12-3 pm activities can drop in any time after 3 pm. The 10 Minneapolis park hub sites are: Bryant Square Recreation Center,   3101 Bryant Ave. S., 55408 Creekview Recreation Center,   5001 Humboldt Ave. N., 55430 East Phillips Park Cultural an...